English Program in March ~April, 2011
*Songs and Rhymes 童詩童謠
1. Farmer pig 豬農夫 Farmer pig has a farm E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he has a cow E-I-E-I-O With a moo moo here, Moo moo there. Here a moo, there a moo Everywhere moo moo Farmer pig has a farm E-I-E-I-O
2. Colors of the rainbow 彩虹
Red and prange , yellow and green Blue and purple, too. Colors of the rainbow Shine on me and you
*Songs and Rhymes 童詩童謠
3. Baby’s clothing 寶貝的衣服
Baby is wearing a red hat, red hat, red hat Baby is wearing a red hat all day long. Baby is wearing tennis shoes, tennis shoes, tennis shoes Baby is wear tennis shoes all day long. Baby is wearing a blue coat, blue coat, blue coat. Baby is wearing a blue coat all day long.
* Phonics Book 字母發音書
Kk Ll MM Nn Oo 小班 Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz中大班
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*Conversation 生活對話 天氣:How’s the weather? It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy. 星期:What day is today? It’s Monday. 季節:春天的小詩 In spring, the trees are beautiful. Dressed with blossoms, Pink and white. |